
Earnings: $1,245,502

(M) 2,2:02.4f; 3,1:54.4; 4,1:52.3 ($1,245,502) (Sierra Kosmos). 23 wins, 2 thru 6. Dan Patch, Nova 3-Year-Old Trotting Filly of the Year in 1998. At 2, second in Keystone Classic. At 3, winner elim. and Final Hambletonian Oaks, elim. and Final Del Miller Mem., Bluegrass S., Kentucky Filly Futy., leg Pennsylvania Sires S. at Pocono, The Meadows, Pennsylvania All-Stars, elim. Currier & Ives Filly S.; second in Final Currier & Ives Filly S.; third in heat World Trotting Derby Filly S., Final Pennsylvania Sires S. at The Meadows, elim. Breeders Crown at Colonial. At 4, winner elim. Breeders Crown at Meadowlands, leg Classic Ser. at Hoosier, Meadowlands; second in Final Breeders Crown at Meadowlands. At 5, winner leg Classic Ser. at Meadowlands, Mohawk, Final Classic Ser. at Balmoral; second in Final Titan Cup, leg Classic Ser. at Balmoral; third in leg Su Mac Lad Ser. at Meadowlands. At 6, winner leg Classic Ser. at Dover.

Muscles Marinara

Earnings: $1,057,700

2,1:59.3; 1:52.1 ($1,057,750) (Muscles Yankee). 39 wins, 2 thru 13. At 2, winner Hanover Colt S.; second in American-National S.; third in Bluegrass S., Review S. At 4, winner leg (2) and Final Hiram Woodruff Ser. at Meadowlands; second in leg Super Bowl Ser. at Meadowlands. At 5, winner Final Dygert Mem.; second in Maple Leaf T. At 6, winner elim. Dygert Mem.; second in Final Su Mac Lad Ser. at Meadowlands, elim. Maple Leaf T.; third in leg Su Mac Lad Ser. at Meadowlands (2), elim. Titan Cup. At 7, second in leg Su Mac Lad Ser. at Meadowlands. At 8, winner Final Father Foley Mem. Ser. at Meadowlands; second in leg Father Foley Mem. Ser. at Meadowlands.

Whiskey Tax

Earnings: $1,028,812

3,1:55.1; 1:52.1; BT1:52s ($1,028,812) (Revenue S). 23 wins, 3 thru 11. At 2, second in Champlain S.; third in elim. Wellwood Mem., elim. Valley Victory T. At 3, winner Simcoe S.; second in Final Hambletonian S., cons. Goodtimes T.; third in elim. Canadian Trotting Classic, leg New Jersey Sires S. at Meadowlands.


Earnings: $1,023,281

2,1:56; 3,Q1:53.3; 4,1:53.3; BT1:51.4 ($1,023,281) (Deweycheatumnhowe). 31 wins, 2 thru 8. At 2, winner elim. Peter Haughton Mem.; second in leg Kentucky Sires S. at Lexington (2); third in Tompkins-Geers S. At 3, winner Final Yonkers T., leg Kentucky Sires S. at Lexington; second in Final Galt Mem., Currier & Ives S., elim. Yonkers T., leg Kentucky Sires S. at Lexington; third in Stanley Dancer T., Final Carl Erskine T.

Barn Doll

Earnings: $874,083

(M) 2,1:58.4h; 3,1:52.1; BT1:51.3 ($874,083) (Conway Hall). 20 wins, 2 thru 5. At 2, winner leg New York Sire S. at Batavia, Buffalo, Tioga, Yonkers (2), Final New York Sire S. at Yonkers; second in leg New York Sire S. at Vernon. At 3, winner elim. and Final Empire Breeders Classic, leg New York Sire S. at Batavia, Buffalo, Monticello, Saratoga, Vernon, Yonkers; second in leg New York Sire S. at Tioga, Yonkers, Final New York Sire S. at Yonkers. At 4, winner Final Miss Versatility T. at Delaware; second in leg Miss Versatility T. at Meadowlands (2); third in Invitational T. at Yonkers, Muscle Hill T., leg Miss Versatility T. at Tioga.


Earnings: $834,240

(M) 2,1:57.3; 3,1:55; BT1:52.2s ($834,240) (Credit Winner). 21 wins, 2 thru 4. At 2, winner Acorn S., leg New York Sire S. at Batavia, Buffalo, Monticello, Saratoga, Tioga, Vernon, Yonkers (2), Tompkins-Geers S.; second in Final New York Sire S. at Yonkers. At 3, winner elim. and Final Empire Breeders Classic, Final Hudson Filly T., leg New York Sire S. at Batavia, Monticello, Yonkers (2), Final New York Sire S. at Saratoga, Coaching Club Oaks, John Simpson Mem.; second in Zweig Mem. Filly, elim. Breeders Crown at Woodbine. At 4, second in leg Miss Versatility T. at Mohawk.

Pay The Winner

Earnings: $723,085

2,1:59.4f; 3,1:55.2f; 1:53.4h; BT1:53.1h ($723,085) (Credit Winner). 60 wins, 2 thru 11. At 2, winner leg New York Sire S. at Buffalo, Monticello, Yonkers, Tompkins-Geers S.; second in New York State Fair S. at Vernon. At 3, winner leg New York Sire S. at Buffalo, Monticello; second in New York State Fair S. at Tioga, Tompkins-Geers S., leg New York Sire S. at Batavia, John Simpson Mem.; third in leg New York Sire S. at Yonkers.

Giant Chill

Earnings: $694,113

2,1:58.2f; 3,1:55.4; BT1:54.4 ($694,113) (Speedy Crown). 12 wins at 2 and 3. Dan Patch, Nova 2-Year-Old Trotting Colt of the Year in 1992. At 2, winner elim. and Final Peter Haughton Mem., Breeders Crown at Pompano, leg New York Sire S. at Vernon, Yonkers, Hanover-Hempt S.; second in leg New York Sire S. at Saratoga; third in heat International Stallion S. At 3, winner Zweig Mem., elim. Founders Gold Cup, elim. Dexter Cup, leg New York Sire S. at Vernon; second in Final Founders Gold Cup, elim. Canadian Trotting Classic; third in heat World Trotting Derby.


Earnings: $688,074

p,2,1:52.1; 3,1:51.3; 4,1:50.4; BT1:49.1 ($688,074) (Jate Lobell). 11 wins, 2 thru 4. At 2, winner International Stallion S., Miller Lite P. at Lexington; second in elim. Breeders Crown at Mohawk; third in Final Breeders Crown at Mohawk, elim. and Final Governor's Cup, Bluegrass S. At 3, winner elim. and Final Joseph A. Banks Mem., leg New York Sire S. at Vernon, elim. Berry's Creek P.; second in Hayes Mem., elim. North America Cup, elim. Progress P., cons. Hoosier Cup; third in Final North America Cup, Final Berry's Creek P. At 4, second in leg U.S. Pacing Champ. at Freehold.


Earnings: $575,126

2,1:59.3f; 3,1:52.4 ($575,126) (Cantab Hall). 19 wins, 2 thru 5. At 2, winner leg Pennsylvania Sires S. at The Meadows. At 3, winner leg Pennsylvania Sires S. at Chester, The Meadows (2), Old Oaken Bucket, elim. Hambletonian S., leg and Final Wyoming Valley Ser. at Pocono, Landmark S.; second in Stanley Dancer T., leg Pennsylvania Sires S. at Pocono; third in Colonial T.


Earnings: $570,375

(M) 2,2:02.1f; 3,1:56.1; 4,1:55.1; BT1:54.2 ($570,375) (Kadabra). 8 wins, 2 thru 4. At 2, winner Reynolds Mem. At 3, winner Final Breeders Crown at Meadowlands, Ontario Sires S. - Super Final at Woodbine, Simcoe S.; second in elim. Ontario Sires S. - Gold at Flamboro, Mohawk; third in Casual Breeze T., elim. Ontario Sires S. - Gold at Rideau Carleton, elim. Canadian Breeders Champ.

Opulent Yankee

Earnings: $487,264

2,Q1:58.4f; 3,1:51.4; 1:51.4f; BT1:51 ($487,264) (Muscles Yankee). 25 wins, 3 thru 8. At 2, third in Reynolds Mem., leg Kindergarten Classic Ser. at Tioga, Late Closer at Lexington. At 3, winner Late Closer at Lexington; third in Late Closer at Lexington. At 4, winner leg Graduate Ser. at Tioga, leg Shiaway St. Pat Ser. at Meadowlands, leg Super Bowl Ser. at Meadowlands (2), leg Bobby Weiss Ser. at Pocono, leg Charles Singer Ser. at Meadowlands; second in leg and Final Shiaway St. Pat Ser. at Meadowlands, Final Super Bowl Ser. at Meadowlands, leg and Final Charles Singer Ser. at Meadowlands, leg and Final Bobby Weiss Ser. at Pocono. At 7, second in leg Great Northeast Ser. at Philadelphia, leg Shiaway St. Pat Ser. at Meadowlands (2); third in leg Great Northeast Ser. at Philadelphia.


Earnings: $469,862

3,1:57.3f; 1:52.4 ($469,862) (Credit Winner). 62 wins, 3 thru 12. At 2, second in leg New York Sire S. at Buffalo. At 3, second in leg New York Sire S. at Batavia, Vernon; third in leg New York Sire S. at Buffalo. At 8, winner Brian Schroeder Mem.

Gutsy Call

Earnings: $428,427

2,2:01; 3,Q1:57.4; 4,1:54.3; BT1:53.4 ($428,427) (Lindy Lane). 31 wins, 2 thru 9. At 2, winner leg Pennsylvania Sires S. at The Meadows; second in Pennsylvania All-Stars. At 3, third in elim. Dexter Cup. At 4, third in leg Hiram Woodruff Ser. at Meadowlands. At 5, second in leg Father Foley Mem. Ser. at Meadowlands, leg Horse & Groom Ser. at Meadowlands; third in Final Su Mac Lad Ser. at Meadowlands, leg and Final Horse & Groom Ser. at Meadowlands, leg Father Foley Mem. Ser. at Meadowlands.

Allerage Star

Earnings: $415,322

(M) 2,1:55.4f; 3,Q1:53.2; 4,1:52.3f ($415,322) (Angus Hall). 17 wins, 2 thru 5. At 2, winner Reynolds Mem., Tompkins-Geers S., leg Kindergarten Classic Ser. at Lexington, Meadowlands; second in leg Ontario Sires S. - Gold at Mohawk, John Simpson Mem., leg Kindergarten Classic Ser. at Lexington; third in Final Kindergarten Classic Ser. at Vernon. At 3, winner leg Ontario Sires S. - Grassroots at Mohawk; second in Late Closer at Lexington; third in Tompkins-Geers S.

Beautiful Sin

Earnings: $398,959

2,1:55.1; 3,1:50.1-'19 ($398,959) (Muscle Hill). 5 wins at 2 and 3. At 2, winner leg Pennsylvania Sires S. at Pocono, Pennsylvania All-Stars, leg Kindergarten Classic Ser. at Meadowlands; second in elim. and Final Jim Doherty Mem. At 3, winner Kentucky Filly Futy., Bluegrass S.; second in leg Pennsylvania Sires S. at Pocono, Tompkins-Geers S.; third in cons. Zweig Mem. Filly.

Lucky Ava

Earnings: $391,177

(M) 2,1:58.2h; 3,1:53.4-'18; BT1:53-'18 ($391,177) (Lucky Chucky). 11 wins at 2 and 3. At 2, winner leg New York Sire S. at Batavia, Buffalo, Yonkers (2), Final New York Sire S. at Yonkers; second in leg New York Sire S. at Monticello. At 3, winner leg New York Sire S. at Buffalo, Monticello, Yonkers (2), John Simpson Mem., cons. Empire Breeders Classic; second in Reynolds Mem., leg New York Sire S. at Tioga, Vernon, Pegasus T. at Hoosier; third in Hudson Filly T., leg New York Sire S. at Saratoga.

Allerage Echo

Earnings: $368,731

2,1:57.2h; 3,Q1:55.4; 4,1:54.4f; BT1:53.4f ($368,731) (Conway Hall). 7 wins, 2 thru 4. At 2, winner leg New York Sire S. at Batavia, Buffalo, Monticello, Yonkers, Final New York Sire S. at Yonkers; second in leg New York Sire S. at Tioga, Vernon. At 3, second in leg New York Sire S. at Tioga, Vernon.

Tornado Tim

Earnings: $366,129

3,1:57.2f; 1:54.1f ($366,129) (Revenue S). 43 wins, 3 thru 11.


Earnings: $363,463

2,1:58.3f; 1:55.1 ($393,463) (Lindy Lane). 65 wins, 2 thru 11. At 2, winner leg Pennsylvania Sires S. at The Meadows (2), Keystone Classic; second in leg Pennsylvania Sires S. at Pocono, Final Pennsylvania Sires S. at The Meadows. At 3, winner Currier & Ives S.; second in leg Pennsylvania Sires S. at Pocono; third in Keystone Classic. At 4, second in Anah Temple Shrine T. at Bangor. At 6, winner leg Joe Ricci Mem.; second in leg Joe Ricci Mem.

Frisky Strike

Earnings: $313,717

(M) 3,1:55.4; 4,1:53.4f ($313,717) (Striking Sahbra). 7 wins at 3 and 4. At 2, second in Ontario Sires S. - Super Final at Woodbine, Champlain S., elim. Ontario Sires S. - Gold at Flamboro, Mohawk, Rideau Carleton; third in elim. Ontario Sires S. - Gold at Grand River, Woodbine. At 3, second in Final Canadian Breeders Champ., elim. Ontario Sires S. - Gold at Mohawk.


Earnings: $312,087

(M) 2,2:00; 3,1:58.3; BT1:55.1 ($312,087) (Royal Prestige). 10 wins at 2 and 3. At 2, winner leg New York Sire S. at Saratoga, Vernon, Yonkers, Autumn S., elim. Merrie Annabelle T.; second in Final New York Sire S. at Yonkers, heat International Stallion S., New York State Fair S. at Syracuse; third in Final Merrie Annabelle T. At 3, winner leg New York Sire S. at Batavia, Vernon, Yonkers; second in Final New York Sire S. at Yonkers, heat Kentucky Filly Futy.; third in Bluegrass S.


Earnings: $293,278

3,1:57.4; 1:53.1f; BT1:52.2f ($293,278) (Angus Hall). 19 wins, 3 thru 10. At 3, winner leg Ontario Sires S. - Grassroots at Rideau Carleton; second in leg Ontario Sires S. - Grassroots at Dresden. At 5, winner leg (2) and Final Hiram Woodruff Ser. at Meadowlands, elim. Masters Ser. at Georgian; third in Final Masters Ser. at Georgian.

Lady Winona

Earnings: $284,762

(M) 3,1:54; BT1:53 ($284,762) (Credit Winner). 5 wins at 3. At 3, winner leg New York Sire S. at Yonkers, The Circle City T.; second in elim. and Final Hudson Filly T., leg New York Sire S. at Buffalo, Saratoga, Vernon, Yonkers, elim. Empire Breeders Classic; third in Final New York Sire S. at Yonkers, Bluegrass S., Buckette.

Whitesand Titan

Earnings: $271,787

2,1:58.2f; 3,1:57.1; 1:54 ($271,787) (Balanced Image). 8 wins, 2 thru 6. At 2, winner elim. Ontario Sires S. - Gold at Rideau Carleton, Kawartha, Final Ontario Sires S. - Gold at Kawartha, Rideau Carleton; second in Ontario Sires S. - Super Final at Mohawk; third in elim. Ontario Sires S. - Gold at Mohawk. At 3, winner elim. and Final Canadian Breeders Champ.; second in elim. Ontario Sires S. - Gold at London.

Princess Lilly

Earnings: $269,109

(M) 2,1:58.4f; 3,1:54.2; BT1:53.1s ($269,109) (Muscle Mass). 8 wins at 2 and 3. At 2, winner leg Ontario Sires S. - Grassroots at Rideau Carleton, Georgian, Semi-Final and Final Ontario Sires S. - Grassroots at Grand River, elim. and Final Balanced Image T. at Hanover; second in leg Ontario Sires S. - Grassroots at Grand River. At 3, winner leg Ontario Sires S. - Gold at Mohawk; second in Casual Breeze T., leg Ontario Sires S. - Gold at Grand River, elim. Elegantimage S.; third in leg Ontario Sires S. - Gold at Georgian.

Golden Tricks

Earnings: $266,425

(M) 2,1:56.3f; 3,1:52.2-'19; BT1:50.2-'19 ($266,425) (Trixton). 7 wins at 2 and 3. At 2, winner leg New Jersey Stbd. Dev. Fund at Freehold; second in Tompkins-Geers S.; third in leg and Final New Jersey Sires S. at Meadowlands, International Stallion S., NJ Garden State T. At 3, winner Hudson Filly T., NJ Garden State T., Tompkins-Geers S.; second in Bluegrass S., Reynolds Mem.; third in Lady Suffolk T., Continentalvictory T.

Lukas Hall

Earnings: $261,415

2,1:55; 4,1:54.4f; BT1:53.3 ($261,415) (Conway Hall). 15 wins, 2 thru 6. At 2, winner leg New York Sire S. at Tioga, Vernon; third in leg New York Sire S. at Buffalo, Yonkers, Tompkins-Geers S. At 3, winner leg New York Sire S. at Saratoga; second in leg New York Sire S. at Tioga, John Simpson Mem.


Earnings: $255,048

2,1:56.3; 1:53.3 ($255,048) (Angus Hall). 28 wins, 2 thru 8. At 2, winner Tompkins-Geers S., cons. Kindergarten Classic Ser. at Vernon, Late Closer at Lexington; second in John Simpson Mem.; third in leg Ontario Sires S. - Gold at Mohawk, leg Kindergarten Classic Ser. at Tioga, Late Closer at Lexington. At 3, second in leg Ontario Sires S. - Gold at London.

Lady Andi

Earnings: $241,204

(M) 2,1:57.3; 3,1:55.1f; BT1:54.3 ($241,204) (Andover Hall). 3 wins at 2 and 3. At 2, winner leg and Final Kindergarten Classic Ser. at Vernon; second in elim. Goldsmith Maid T., leg Pennsylvania Stallion Ser. at Chester, leg Kindergarten Classic Ser. at Lexington; third in Final Goldsmith Maid T., Bluegrass S., International Stallion S., Champlain S., leg Kindergarten Classic Ser. at Vernon. At 3, winner Pennsylvania All-Stars; second in Tompkins-Geers S., Coaching Club Oaks.

Keen Mind

Earnings: $235,525

p,2,Q2:02.2; 3,1:50.2; BT1:50.1 ($235,525) (Jate Lobell). 16 wins, 3 thru 8. At 2, second in Niatross P., Goshen Cup. At 3, third in elim. Art Rooney P. At 4, winner Late Closer at Lexington; second in Late Closer at Lexington.


Earnings: $220,623

(M) 2,1:56.4-'19; BT1:53-'19 ($220,623) (Chapter Seven). 4 wins at 2. At 2, winner leg New York Sire S. at Batavia, Monticello, Saratoga, Vernon; second in leg New York Sire S. at Tioga, Yonkers, Final New York Sire S. at Batavia; third in Bluegrass S., leg New York Sire S. at Yonkers.


Earnings: $216,823

(M) 3,2:01.1f; 4,1:54.2f; BT1:54f ($216,823) (Cantab Hall). 22 wins, 3 thru 7

The Mighty Mr K

Earnings: $213,654

2,1:59.1; 1:56f; BT1:54.3 ($213,654) (Self Possessed). 17 wins, 2 thru 9. At 2, winner John Simpson Mem. At 3, third in leg New Jersey Sires S. at Meadowlands (2). At 4, winner leg Late Closer at Pocono, leg Early Closer at Lexington; second in leg Early Closer at Lexington; third in leg Early Closer at Lexington. At 5, winner leg and Final Late Closer at Tioga; second in leg (2) and Final Army-Navy Ser. at Pocono, cons. and leg Late Closer at Tioga. At 6, winner leg Late Closer at Tioga (2); second in leg (3) and Final Late Closer at Tioga; third in leg and Final Late Closer at Tioga.

Mr Genius

Earnings: $200,819

p,3,1:56f; 1:51.2z; BT1:51z ($200,819) (Cambest). 23 wins, 3 thru 11.


Earnings: $194,937

2,2:04.4h; 3,1:59.3h; 4,1:57f ($194,937) (Angus Hall). 33 wins, 2 thru 7. At 2, winner leg Ontario Sires S. - Grassroots at Woodstock; second in leg Ontario Sires S. - Grassroots at Flamboro, Semi-Final Ontario Sires S. - Grassroots at London, elim. Balanced Image T. at Hanover; third in Final Balanced Image T. at Hanover, leg Ontario Sires S. - Grassroots at Kawartha, Sarnia. At 3, winner elim. Dream of Glory T. at Hanover.

Sir Prize Hall

Earnings: $193,172

2,Q1:59; 3,1:56.2; BT1:55.1s ($193,172) (Conway Hall). 24 wins, 2 thru 7. At 2, second in leg New York-Bred LC at Saratoga; third in leg New York Sire S. at Yonkers. At 3, winner leg New York Sire S. at Yonkers; second in New York State Fair S. at Tioga; third in leg New York Sire S. at Monticello, Yonkers.

Stir Me Up

Earnings: $192,332

3,1:58.1f; 4,1:54.4f; BT1:53.2f ($192,332) (Classic Photo). 17 wins, 3 thru 7. At 4, second in leg Super Bowl Ser. at Meadowlands.

Sir Spitsbergen

Earnings: $191,501

2,Q2:00.4; 3,1:57.2; 4,1:53.2; BT1:52.4 ($191,501) (Self Possessed). 11 wins, 3 thru 5. At 3, winner leg Charles Singer Ser. at Meadowlands; third in Charles I. Smith Mem., leg Charles Singer Ser. at Meadowlands. At 4, second in leg Super Bowl Ser. at Meadowlands (2).

Miss Sparta

Earnings: $190,985

(M) p,3,1:54.3f; 1:52.2f; BT1:52.1f ($190,985) (The Panderosa). 23 wins, 3 thru 7.


Earnings: $189,303

2,Q1:59.1; 3,1:58.3f; 4,1:55.2f; BT1:54.2f ($189,303) (Deweycheatumnhowe). 10 wins, 3 thru 7. At 2, second in elim. Peter Haughton Mem.; third in leg Ontario Sires S. - Gold at Georgian, Mohawk. At 3, winner Landmark S.; second in Final Dexter Cup.

Crystal Wind

Earnings: $177,758

(M) 3,1:58.4; 1:57.4f; BT1:56.4 ($177,758) (Rule The Wind). 25 wins, 3 thru 7. At 3, winner leg New Jersey Sires S. at Meadowlands, leg New Jersey Sires Stake LC at Garden State; second in leg New Jersey Sires S. at Meadowlands; third in New Jersey Futy., leg Cherry Hill Ser. at Garden State (2). At 4, second in leg Horse & Groom Ser. at Meadowlands; third in leg Sheraton Meadowlands Ser. at Meadowlands, leg Horse & Groom Ser. at Meadowlands.


Earnings: $177,654

3,1:54f; BT1:53.4f ($177,654) (Credit Winner). 11 wins, 3 thru 5. At 3, winner leg (3) and Final Exit 8 Ser. at Chester, leg and Final Paul Doherty Mem. at Meadowlands; second in leg New York-Bred LC at Yonkers; third in leg New York Sire S. at Buffalo, Monticello.

Sassy Syrinx

Earnings: $170,292

(M) 3,1:53.3f ($170,292) (Yankee Glide). 5 wins at 3 and 4. At 3, second in leg New Jersey Sires S. at Meadowlands; third in Final Hambletonian Oaks, Final New Jersey Sires S. at Meadowlands.

Wilson Wyoming

Earnings: $167,260

2,1:58; BT1:55.1 ($167,260) (Balanced Image). 7 wins, 2 thru 4. At 2, winner elim. Valley Victory T.; second in elim. Ontario Sires S. - Gold at Mohawk; third in Final Valley Victory T., Final Ontario Sires S. - Gold at Mohawk. At 3, winner elim. and Final Ontario Sires S. - Gold at Rideau Carleton; third in elim. and Final Ontario Sires S. - Gold at Flamboro.

Deck The Halls

Earnings: $166,350

3,1:59.1f; 4,1:53.4f ($166,350) (Angus Hall). 19 wins, 3 thru 8. At 3, winner leg Ontario Sires S. - Grassroots at Grand River, Kawartha; third in leg Ontario Sires S. - Grassroots at Georgian.

Tornado Alley

Earnings: $165,561

4,1:58.1h; BT1:56.2f ($165,561) (Muscles Yankee). 25 wins, 4 thru 9. At 4, winner leg Empire City Ser. at Yonkers, leg Magical Acres Ser. at Freehold; second in leg and Final Late Closer at Tioga, leg Empire City Ser. at Yonkers; third in leg and Final Magical Acres Ser. at Freehold, leg Empire City Ser. at Yonkers.

Jezzys Legacy

Earnings: $164,923

(M) 2,1:55.4; 3,1:54.1f-'19; BT1:51.3-'19 ($164,923) (Donato Hanover). 6 wins at 2 and 3. At 2, winner leg Pennsylvania Sires S. at Pocono, leg Kindergarten Classic Ser. at Meadowlands; second in leg Kindergarten Classic Ser. at Meadowlands, Tioga; third in Matron S. At 3, winner leg Pennsylvania Stallion Ser. at Pocono, The Meadows, Final Pennsylvania Stallion Ser. at Pocono; second in leg Pennsylvania Sires S. at Philadelphia, Keystone Classic, Pennsylvania All-Stars.

Roman Knows

Earnings: $157,905

3,1:59f; 1:56.3; BT1:55.2f ($157,905) (Meadow Road). 18 wins, 3 thru 7. At 4, second in Final Van Lennep Mem. Ser. at Pompano; third in leg Van Lennep Mem. Ser. at Pompano. At 5, second in leg Van Lennep Mem. Ser. at Pompano.


Earnings: $156,356

1:55; BT1:54.4s ($156,356) (Balanced Image). 31 wins, 4 thru 10.

Jasons Camden

Earnings: $148,006

2,1:57.4; 3,1:55.4f-'19 ($148,006) (Muscle Mass). 11 wins at 2 and 3. At 2, winner leg Excelsior Ser. - A at Batavia, Saratoga, Vernon, Yonkers (2); second in leg Excelsior Ser. - A at Tioga, Final Excelsior Ser. - A at Saratoga, John Simpson Mem. At 3, winner leg Excelsior Ser. - A at Buffalo, Goshen, Monticello, Tioga, Vernon, Yonkers; second in leg New York Sire S. at Yonkers.


Earnings: $145,124

2,Q2:02.1; 3,1:56.3; 4,1:55.2; BT1:54.1s ($145,124) (Muscles Yankee). 10 wins, 3 thru 5. At 2, second in John Simpson Mem.; third in leg Early Closer at Lexington. At 3, second in leg Late Closer at Lexington; third in Hanover Colt S., John Simpson Mem., leg Late Closer at Lexington.


Earnings: $144,994

(M) 3,1:55.1f; 4,1:54.3; BT1:53.4 ($144,994) (Cantab Hall). 6 wins at 3 and 4. At 2, second in leg Pennsylvania Sires S. at The Meadows, Tompkins-Geers S.; third in leg Pennsylvania Sires S. at Pocono. At 3, second in leg Pennsylvania Sires S. at Philadelphia, Late Closer at Lexington; third in Tompkins-Geers S. At 4, winner leg Flower Child Ser. at Meadowlands (2); second in Late Closer at Lexington.

Golden Muscle

Earnings: $139,928

(M) 2,1:57f; 3,1:53 ($139,928) (Muscle Mass). 11 wins, 2 thru 4. At 3, winner Late Closer at Lexington; second in leg New York Sire S. at Tioga, elim. Empire Breeders Classic.

Rolla Coasta

Earnings: $139,121

(M) 3,2:00.1f; 1:57.1 ($139,121) (Cumin). 21 wins, 3 thru 7.

Cyclone Artie

Earnings: $136,199

2,2:01.2h; 3,1:54.2 ($136,199) (Balanced Image). 5 wins at 2 and 3. At 2, winner leg Ontario Sires S. - Grassroots at Flamboro; second in elim. Campbellville S.; third in Semi-Final and Final Ontario Sires S. - Grassroots at Windsor. At 3, winner Simcoe S.; second in Final Ontario Sires S. - Gold at Mohawk, elim. Canadian Trotting Classic, leg Ontario Sires S. - Grassroots at Kawartha.

Another Transcript

Earnings: $133,656

2,1:56.4f; 3,1:55.2f; BT1:54 ($133,656) (Donato Hanover). 5 wins at 2 and 3. At 2, winner cons. Pennsylvania Sires S. at Philadelphia; third in leg Pennsylvania Sires S. at The Meadows, elim. Breeders Crown at Pocono. At 3, winner leg Pennsylvania Stallion Ser. at The Meadows.

Crystal Goal

Earnings: $133,039

2,2:00.4; 4,1:57.2 ($133,039) (Armbro Goal). 20 wins, 2 thru 9. At 2, winner leg New Jersey Sires Stake LC at Garden State, Final New Jersey Sires Stake LC at Freehold; second in New Jersey Futy., leg New Jersey Sires Stake LC at Garden State; third in leg New Jersey Sires S. at Freehold, Garden State. At 3, second in leg New Jersey Sires S. at Meadowlands; third in Final Dexter Cup, leg New Jersey Sires S. at Meadowlands, New Jersey Futy.

Blue Muse

Earnings: $132,015

(M) 2,1:57.2f; 3,1:53.2 ($132,015) (Muscles Yankee). 12 wins, 2 thru 5. At 3, winner leg New Jersey Sires S. - Green Acres at Freehold; second in leg and Final New Jersey Sires S. - Green Acres at Freehold; third in Currier & Ives Filly S., Helen Smith Mem., leg New Jersey Sires S. - Green Acres at Freehold.

Fred Lebow

Earnings: $125,701

2,2:07.1h; 3,2:00.1f; 4,1:58; BT1:56.3 ($125,701) (Royal Prestige). 15 wins, 2 thru 8. At 2, winner leg New York Sire S. at Monticello; second in leg New York Sire S. at Saratoga; third in leg New York Sire S. at Buffalo, Yonkers (2). At 3, second in leg New York Sire S. at Yonkers; third in leg New York Sire S. at Vernon, Yonkers.

Neith’s Song

Earnings: $121,845

(M) 3,1:59.2f; BT1:55.3 ($121,845) (Windsong's Legacy). Winner at 3. At 2, second in Champlain S., International Stallion S., Bluegrass S., elim. Merrie Annabelle T., leg Late Closer at Lexington. At 3, second in Tompkins-Geers S., Arden Downs S.

Collateral Beauty

Earnings: $119,382

(M) 2,1:59.1; 3,1:58f; BT1:56.1s ($119,382) (Kadabra). 3 wins at 2 and 3. At 3, winner leg Ontario Sires S. - Gold at Georgian, London; second in leg Ontario Sires S. - Gold at Mohawk.

Cheeky Little Minx

Earnings: $118,588

(M) 1:55.1; BT1:55f ($118,588) (Lucky Chucky). 19 wins, 4 thru 7.


Earnings: $115,277

2,1:57.4; 3,1:56.2; BT1:56s ($115,277) (Deweycheatumnhowe). 5 wins at 2 and 3. At 2, winner cons. Ontario Sires S. - Gold at Grand River, cons. Ontario Sires S. - Gold - Mid Season; second in leg Ontario Sires S. - Gold at Mohawk; third in leg Ontario Sires S. - Gold at Mohawk. At 3, winner leg and Final Ontario Autumn T. at Woodbine; third in leg Ontario Sires S. - Gold at London.

Sal The Barber

Earnings: $114,887

3,2:00.4h; 1:58.2; BT1:56.4 ($114,887) (Meadow Road). 37 wins, 3 thru 8. At 2, second in leg New York-Bred LC at Syracuse. At 3, winner leg New York-Bred LC at Saratoga; second in Landmark S., leg New York-Bred LC at Buffalo; third in leg New York Sire S. at Yonkers, leg New York-Bred LC at Monticello.

Gliding Boy

Earnings: $111,560

3,1:56f; BT1:55.1s ($111,560) (Yankee Glide). 10 wins, 3 thru 6.

Comic Genius

Earnings: $108,951

p,2,1:56.1f; 3,1:55f; 4,1:53.4f; BT1:52.4s ($108,951) (Die Laughing). 9 wins, 2 thru 4. At 2, second in Fox S., Northfield Grand Circuit S. At 3, second in leg Youthful Ser. at Mohawk. At 4, third in leg Clyde Hirt Ser. at Meadowlands.


Earnings: $108,226

3,1:58.1h; BT1:54 ($108,226) (Yankee Glide). 3 wins at 3. At 3, winner Reynolds Mem.; second in Final Dexter Cup, Townsend Ackerman T., Landmark S.; third in Zweig Mem., elim. Dexter Cup.

Frisky Magic

Earnings: $107,515

(M) 2,2:01.1f; 3,1:54.1; BT1:54s ($107,515) (Kadabra). 6 wins at 2 and 3. At 2, second in elim. Ontario Sires S. - Gold at Rideau Carleton, leg Ontario Sires S. - Grassroots at Rideau Carleton. At 3, second in leg Ontario Sires S. - Grassroots at Mohawk; third in leg Celias Counsel Ser. at Woodbine. At 4, second in leg Lifetime Dream Ser. at Woodbine (2).

Explosion Of Light

Earnings: $106,776

<3,1:58f; BT1:55.2 ($106,776) (Explosive Matter). 9 wins, 3 thru 5.

Lucky Matter

Earnings: $103,963

2,1:57.4f; 3,1:55f; 1:53.3f-'19 ($103,963) (Explosive Matter). 8 wins, 2 thru 5. At 2, winner leg Pennsylvania Sires S. at The Meadows. At 3, third in elim. Earl Beal Jr. Mem.